Services in Lope


1) Lope Hotel.

Beautiful place, built on the Ogooue bank, with a swimming-pool and a big reception room... Lope Hotel offers much comfort.

To have more information, you will find telephone numbers on their website:


2) Motel E'Mbeyi.

Annex of Lope Hotel but situated in Lope small town, E'Mbeyi is a high-quality motel with a rather enjoyable atmosphere thanks to nearby local shops.


- 1 night in air-conditioned room: 30,000 FCFA / £32,70 / US$ 52.

- 1 dish: 5,500 FCFA / £6 / US$ 9.30.

You can use a car shuttle between the Annex and Lope Hotel at the price of 5,000 FCFA per person.



3) Lope Lodge.

Offering a complete change of scene with a stunning view of savannahs, Lope Lodge ensures you a holiday with total peace of mind. In a pure spirit of ecotourism, you can pitch your tent right in the middle of nowhere. But if you are too afraid of night visitors (buffalos or elephants), you can always take a room inside the lodge. Only one disadvantage: you have to shower yourself with a bucket of water.

Prices of overnight stays:

Tent on open-air pitch
7,500 FCFA
US$ 12.45
Fan-cooled room
15,000 FCFA
US$ 25
Air-conditioned room
20,000 FCFA
US$ 33.25


4) Cases de passage.

Some kind of motel, the cases de passage offer basic comfort but place you very near of local population's living conditions. Cost: 15,000 FCFA in a room with fan and 20,000 FCFA in a room with air conditioning.

Here is a list of some Lope cases:

- Papa Jules in the "city centre".

- Motel "La Vie du Rail" near SETRAG train station.

- in the Park with common kitchen.


5) Local restaurants / pubs.

Moms of the neighbourhood will cook tasty dishes just for you. Moreover, their price is often unbeatable: 2,000 to 3,000 FCFA for one meal.


During your holiday in Lope, blackouts and water cut-offs can occur following particularly bad weather conditions or technical failures. Repairs are usually "fast" but in Africa, be prepared to summon your patience!